Driftiing… The Pugilists

These images I shot several years ago but still continue to use them in my portfolio. I think it’s because of the raw emotion each boxer emits. They’re simple yet poignant. The rich black and whites give them that soulful feel I try to emulate in all my images.  Most in this gym train for the love but some train with a hopeful optimism they will one day make it big. I hope they all do. These are the fighters of Brooklyn, New York.

Categories NYC

Drifting… NYC


New York City. This place has such a great creative energy. I used to live there and go back from time to time to feel its energy. These two images I shot on the same day. One is from the morning and the other is in the afternoon (with different musicians playing obviously). I’m not sure which image I prefer.. maybe the one with the business man framed in the arch. He stopped for a second to listen, then moved on.

Categories NYC